I have been asked to let PP members know about this event run by Thespians:
Below are some details of the Come and Sing Iolanthe being hosted by Hitchin Thespians on Saturday 21st June, as mentioned to you earlier.
"We are hoping to get these details out to all local Societies as soon as possible, along with the costs involved and how to register online.
The plan is as follows:
Rehearsal Thurs 5th June - 19:30 Woodside - chorus
Rehearsal Thurs 12th June - 19:30 Woodside - chorus
Rehearsal Thurs 19th June - 19:30 Woodside - chorus
Saturday 21st June
10:00 - 13:00 - Rehearsal Soloists
14:00 - 17:00 - Rehearsal Everybody
19:30 - 22:00 - Performance Everybody
I know it is sometime ahead but please "save the dates".
If you have any immediate questions get back to me via my personal email address at the top of this email or to Philippa Tadman, Gen_Com4@hitchinthespians.org.uk
Sue (susan.osbourn@gmail.com)